Designstudio for unique brand experiences in landau.

Here's what the article is about

Insights, Culture, RAW

About us
Hey, we are Davide and Norman. One is a developer. The other designer. Both in the industry for almost 10 years. We met over 5 years ago in our old agency Dorfjungs, where we were the first employees in design and development. After almost 4 years it was time for us to take new steps. To start something of our own. To combine high quality graphic design with high performance code. To offer our clients the best of both worlds and create holistic brand experiences. And to live out our passion for high quality graphic design.
„We create unique brand experiences for people with a special aesthetic requirement.“

Norman Dubois

Does it need another design studio?
Of course, we could write now how great we are. A list of awards won is always good, too. But we don't want to do that. That's not who we are. We are not self-promoters. We prefer to let our work speak for itself. If you like it - Nice! If not, hey, no end of the world either ;)

But what exactly do we do differently than other agencies? First of all, we are not an agency. We think studio fits better to us. Brand studio. Design studio. Call it how you want! Please don't call us a classic "agency". We have consciously decided to stay small. To be able to respond more flexibly to the needs of our clients, i.e. your needs.

Through our work for corporations and larger companies in the past, we have learned that this is simply not what we enjoy. We prefer to work with exciting people with cool ideas who are as passionate about their work as we are. Imagine your best friend just opened a design studio and you need his help. We are that friend! We are here to support you and guide you through this exciting process of building your brand.

We are on fire for good design and high quality products. With our experience in brand strategy, graphic design and web development, we manage to build a brand consistently across all touchpoints. No coordination with different service providers. One studio for all your branding needs!

Sounds good? We think so too! Because your customers don't care if they visit your website, hold your business card in their hand or scroll through your social media profile - the brand experience should always be the same!

High quality is hugely important to us. We burn for what we do. For good design. Beautiful typography and high-quality print. 0815 does not exist with us. It starts with the design, continues with the choice of papers and materials, the printing of the print products and ends with the performance and the animation concept of the website. With us, there are no standard solutions and we only work with partners we can rely on and who are as passionate about their work as we are.
Got it. But who exactly are you working for now?
In principle, for all people who approach their project with the same passion as we do. People who appreciate high-quality, individual design and are enthusiastic about the small details and first-class quality. To be honest, we feel most comfortable in the lifestyle, food & indulgence sector. Whether coffee roasting, cool café, young winery, real estate, living & hotel or the emerging fashion brand. Whether in the artistic field, architecture, photography, artists or interior design. Difficult to put it all under one term. In principle, you can say everywhere where excellent design, attention to detail and an absolute passion is required.
Nice! And what exactly can you do for me?
Our question is always: What exactly do you need help with? What are your needs? What doesn't fit at the moment? Let us first clarify your problems before we sell you any solution. We want to help you and not just sell you a "service out of the box". Every problem needs a different solution.

Of course, we prefer to accompany you from second 0 in all your branding needs. From defining your brand strategy, to corporate design, to delivering the brand experience across multiple touchpoints. But of course we also find a solution if you just need a new logo, program the website yourself or you just need our advice and don't quite know how to start. Or maybe you're a strategy agency looking for a partner to take care of the visual design and implementation? We're your studio!
What about the price?
You remember the part with the best friend? Right, you should always be honest, too. Transparency is especially important to us. And we don't want to waste both your time and ours only to realize in the end that it might not be quite right after all. However, honesty also includes the fact that some things simply cannot be estimated across the board. What touchpoints need to be designed? How big is the website? What are the technical requirements? What papers and finishes will be used?

For us, a corporate design project averages between 6,000€ - 12,000€, depending on complexity and desired deliverables. For a website it looks similar, but it can also go up to 25.000€, depending on the animation concept, technical connections, etc.

Of course, these are only rough guidelines for now. Just let us talk in person and we will surely find a suitable solution for you and your needs!
Did we forget anything?
Do you have any questions? Did we forget something or are you interested in other topics? Feel free to write us, we look forward to hearing from you!