Diese Fehler solltest du beim Branding deines Restaurants vermeiden.

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To build a strong and emotional brand, you should avoid these mistakes when branding and designing your restaurant, cafe, hotel and winery.
Inappropriate typography
Your type choice should match your values and your concept. As with everything in design, less is usually more. Also, make sure it's easy to read and consistent across all touchpoints. You should use the same typeface on your menu as you do on your social media profile, website, or in your campaigns.
Complex, inappropriate and unscalable logo
The main job of your logo is to identify, not explain. Less is more. Avoid too many details so that it remains legible even at small sizes. Refrain from clichés or trends. A custom wordmark is usually a very good choice.
Subjective design instead of strategy-based design
Your design should be based on your brand strategy. Try to avoid making subjective decisions. Always question if your design is still in line with your strategy or if you are just following a trend. Does it appeal to your target audience? Is the character communicated visually?
Cluttered design - less is more
Focus on the essentials. A reduced design directs the focus on the essentials - your food. Don't overload your design with too many fonts, colors, or design elements.
No professional photos
Professional photos whet the appetite for a visit. Pay attention to the presentation of your dishes and think about how you can set them perfectly in scene, so that your guests already have in advance desire to visit. It doesn't always have to be just the food that is photographed - authentic photos with people, interaction at the table or lifestyle images allow the viewer to find themselves in the situation.
Inappropriate menu
Pay attention to the quality of your menu. Every guest interacts with it - so it's one of your most important marketing channels. Keep your strategic direction in mind. A high-quality menu with great finishing touches will help you justify higher prices and will be remembered.
Tasty Brand by UNDESIGNED
Wir helfen dir dabei eine emotionale Marke für dein Restaurants, Cafés, Hotels und Weingut zu erschaffen, in die sich deine Gäste verlieben werden. Weniger Stress. Mehr Gäste. Mehr Umsatz. Für den Erfolg deines Restaurant, Cafés, Hotels & Weinguts!

Wir begleiten dich in drei Gängen zu deiner geliebten Marke

Die Vorspeise – Deine authentische Strategie
Gemeinsam analysieren wir deine Probleme, deine Zielgruppe, den Markt und definieren deinen Markencharakter, deine Vision und deine einzigartige Story, die als Basis des Designs dient.

Der Hauptgang – Dein einzigartiges Design
Basierend auf deiner Geschichte erarbeiten wir dein einzigartiges & hochwertiges Corporate Design, das den Charakter deines Restaurants auf visuelle Art transportiert und dich vom Wettbewerb abhebt.

Das Dessert – Dein emotionales Markenerlebnis
Ob Print, Digital, Social Media oder Fotografie. Unser holistischer Ansatz deckt all deine Needs ab. Wir sind dein Partner für ein ganzheitliches Branding, sodass du dich voll und ganz auf das Erlebnis deiner Gäste fokussieren kannst.